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FSU election will help to institutionalization of democracy : Rabi Kiran

Kathmandu : The meeting of Nayadhakti student unions Central officeholders held from january 5 to 7 in Kathmandu has decided to give responsibility of convener at Nayashakti student union Karnali province to Rabi Kiran Hamal.This union will take part in free student union election differently .

NSSU demands the election of FSU should be organized under the supervision of election commission of Nepal. They thought their may be possibility of unfair election because VC,registrar,campus chief and lectures in university and colleges are appointed as interest of political parties.NSSU cannot except the production of skilled manpower from existing system and culture in our universities.Educational department will submit the report on alternative educational policy within a month.

Chief guest Ganga Shrestha who is headquarter member at party has delivered long speech on history of student movement and major issues contributing drastic changes in Nepal.All the participant agreed struggle is the only way to change biased educational system into quality education for all.” FSU election is the practice of democracy at college level which will help to institutionalization of democratic norms and values” said Rabi Kiran.

He added we have to change the system which is creating unfair election due to wild use of money and muscles. Nayashakti student union wants open debate in between candidates from different union at same hall like presidential debate in USA.They have special request to manage such a environment which will brings competitive ideas and views for transformation in educational system.The Student union is going to support party´s Five month,five task and five result campaign.

प्रकाशित मिति : २४ पुष २०७५, मंगलवार ०६:५७