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Mandatory voluntary labour system enforced in Gaumul rural municipality

Bajura : The Gaumul rural municipality in Bajura district has enforced the system of compulsory labour contribution from each household for two days a month.

The rural municipality chair Hari Bahadur Rokaya said that this system is part of the ‘Two Days for the Country’ programme that aims to involve every household in the rural municipality in its development.

The objective of the programme is to start the campaign of nation building and making it prosperous from own house. More than 2,000 households in the rural municipality will have to contribute voluntary labour for two days a month in the development works of the rural municipality.

They will have to provide voluntary labour for two days every month in the development and construction projects undertaken by the local, provincial and federal levels in the rural municipality. They will also have to work voluntarily for two days in local public welfare activities.

This decision was made by the 22nd meeting of the rural municipality executive council. The locals would be involved in cleaning the village, school monitoring, forests conservation and cleaning of the water sources, besides the development works. (RSS)

प्रकाशित मिति : १३ मंसिर २०७५, बिहीबार १३:००